
Intelligenta flottor

Senaste nyheter om hur företag får ut det mesta av sina flottor. Håll utkik!

How much will fleet management software save you
While values differ from case to case, with the help provided by our White Paper – ROI (Return On Investment) calculation with Frotcom, you can apply our methodology to your own circumstances, working with the specific costs that apply to you.  
tis, 10/04/2018 - 10:32
New Benelux Business Partner for Frotcom
We are excited to announce that an agreement recognizing Javaco as a Frotcom Business Partner for Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands was signed in December 2017.
tors, 22/03/2018 - 11:13
Fleet management software: The numbers don’t lie
Frotcom International carried out a 2017 survey among the CEOs and general managers of forward thinking European companies, to provide insight into their uptake of GPS Vehicle Tracking and Fleet Management software.
ons, 07/03/2018 - 10:49